Do you have expertise in working with English Language Learners? Have you had proven success in teaching Exceptional Children?
Call for Presentations
The CCRESA Local Alternative Teacher Preparation (LATP) program is holding a two-day event for our lateral entry teachers. This select group of lateral entry teachers are currently enrolled in our licensure program. One mission of our program is to increase LATP teachers’ capacity to build emotionally safe and equitable classroom learning environments for all students. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share your expertise and successes in working with English Language Learners or Exceptional Children. This event will take place in Raleigh, NC on March 9 – 10, 2018.
Friday, March 9, 2018
On day one of the event, we are seeking practical and interactive presentations on current topics related to English Language Learners (ELL). These topics may include differentiation for ELLs, migrant populations, reading instruction for ELLs, and technological tools for ELLs.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
On day two of the event, we are seeking practical and interactive presentations on current topics related to Exceptional Children. These topics may include best teaching practices for EC, successful co-teaching experiences for the inclusion classroom, technological tools to enhance EC learning outcomes, and the basics of IEP and 504 plans.
Presentation Submission
We are looking for sessions that are led by solo presenters or co-presenters. Sessions are 65 minutes in length, including introduction, interactive presentation, and session evaluation. If you are interested in being a part of this a dynamic and inspirational event for our LATP teachers, please complete all the information on the Call for Presentations form. Deadline for submission is Monday, February 19, 2018.
About the LATP Program
The Local Alternative Teacher Preparation Program (LATP) is accelerated alternative teacher licensure program. Teachers complete all program requirements including coursework while teaching full-time. Currently, our teachers work in 12 school districts located in the following counties: Durham, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Northampton, Person, Pitt, Wake, Warren, and Wilson.