The CCRESA LEAD & LEARN Principal Support Initiative began at the request of CCRESA Superintendents in 2018, who were interested in starting a principal support program for newly appointed first and second year principals in their districts. Goals were based on previous conversations with the CCRESA Executive Director, survey feedback from participating principals, and original conversations from CCRESA Superintendents. The program includes monthly professional learning sessions, School Leadership Walks to improve instructional leadership, and one-on-one coaching.
NC Peak
Founded in 2022, NC Peak exists to support schools and districts in their commitment to continuous improvement as they seek excellence in teaching, leading, and learning. NC Peak leverages the expertise of a network of veteran North Carolina educators who customize support to meet your organization’s specific needs.
The LEAD & LEARN program promises
- To inspire and motivate new school principals to grow their leadership strengths and improve their performance
- To provide school improvement content, insight, tools, and feedback to new principals
- To facilitate leadership support sessions using the NC School Executive Standards as a crosswalk
- To improve leadership skills in instruction, culture, management, communication, conflict resolution, and time management.
- To provide professional support and networking opportunities to new principals
Our Principals love the LEAD & LEARN program!
Every session is one that I have looked forward to attending. The relevant and specific participant-driven content has applied to everything that I have been working through as a first year principal. This program has allowed me to talk with colleagues from across the state that are working through some of the same situations that I am going through. It has been one of the most valuable components of my first year as a principal. It has allowed me to grow, to ask questions, to be reflective, and to become a better leader.
Sharing of the practical strategies that I could and should consider as a school leader has been helpful. Being able to collaborate with other peers is encouraging. I have gained a greater understanding about how to use EVAAS data to inform my decisions. Anna’s transparency about her own experiences was vital and so appreciated because it allowed me to have an idea about how to tackle issues.
The training is providing very intentional opportunities for me to link what I am learning to what I am doing on my campus.