During the month of June the CCRESA offered four programs designed to support districts in implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). A total of 377 staff members attended these sessions that were offered by consultants from Doug Reeves’ Leadership and Learning Center. All sessions were evaluated quite highly by the participants, many indicating that they wish that the sessions had been offered a year ago.
On June 14th, approximately 230 staff members, two-thirds of whom were principals or assistant principals, attended a program at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill. Cheryl Dunkle and B.R. Jones provided the audience with an overview of the Common Core, stressing the importance that district and school-based administrators develop a basic knowledge of CCSS and be actively engaged in providing leadership in their schools. Attendees received copies of Larry Ainsworth’s book Rigorous Curriculum Design and Book One of the Center’s series on Getting Ready for the Common Core: Navigating Implementation of the Common Core Standards. The day concluded with an opportunity for district staffs to meet together to complete some preliminary action plans. Please click here to download their presentation.
On June 18th, Tom Hierck returned to conduct a workshop in Granville County on Parts I and II of Ainsworth’s book as a follow-up to the sessions he had offered in May. Approximately 100 staff members attended with about half of them being teachers and curriculum leaders in Granville County. Dr. Hierck made concise presentations on the major components of RCD, followed by extensive time for district staff to work on each aspect of their curriculum plan. As a follow-up to this session, Dr. Hierck will return to Raleigh on August 1-3 to focus on designing curricular units of study (Part III of Ainsworth’s book).
On June 19-20, Betty Craig provided a two-day work session on implementing the ELA CCSS, which was followed by Lori Cook’s two-day program on implementing the Math CCSS. Participants received multiple copies of the Learning and Leadership Center’s four book series on Getting Ready for the Common Core. Participants left with a much better understanding of the standards and their implication for changes in the classroom.