Do you have expertise working with English
Learners, Exceptional Children, or
Academically Gifted Students?
Call for Presentations
The CCRESA Central Carolina Teaching Initiative (CCTI) is holding a one-day event for our lateral entry teachers. This select group of lateral entry teachers are currently enrolled in our licensure program. One mission of our program is to increase CCTI teachers’ capacity to build emotionally safe and equitable classroom learning environments for all students. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to share your expertise and successes in working with English Learners, Academically Gifted Students, or Exceptional Children. This event will take place at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC on March 1, 2019.
Friday, March 1, 2019
On this day, over 80 teachers and coaches will attend a day-long event where they will learn from experts like you on current topics related to special populations. We are seeking practical and interactive presentations on topics such as differentiation for English Learners, reading instruction for English Learners, IEPs and the law, best practices for co-teaching in the inclusion classroom, and strategies to challenge academically gifted children.
Presentation Submission
We are looking for sessions that are led by solo presenters or co-presenters. Sessions are 65 minutes in length, including introduction, interactive presentation, and session evaluation. If you are interested in being a part of this dynamic and inspirational event for our CCTI teachers, please submit your presentation idea here. Deadline for submission is Friday,
January 25, 2019. Selected presenters may be asked to submit an outline of their presentations at that time.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Sonricker, Program Director, at
For more information about the CCTI program, please visit